I updated the Post where I assemble the unit. Photos are comming back...slowly
Things I am doing. Mostly technology stuff.
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Monday, September 4, 2017
Photobucket sucks!
Recently as you may noticed, Photobucket changed from a free site to a payed one. I dont have a problem with this, however my problem is that I cannot download my pictures because apparently I get an error message saying something went wrong...
Well I wont pay the 500 a year...so the hell with it. I might try to figure this out at a later date, however I am stuck for now...
See ya all
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Android Source Code
Many people are asking about the Android source code. The reason I haven't tried to give it public until now is that the source code was...and still is a mess! However, I think this project is not complete without the Android code.
1. The applications however are programmed using Android Processing v2. That means you have to have the Android SDK installed, Android Processing
I am not going though how you are going to use Processing in Android Mode, since there is a lot of info on the web.
2. You will need is the Ketai Bluetotth Library, in order to use it to connect to the HC-05.
3. Make sure you select the following Sketch Permissions in Processing:
4. In the Project folder of your Processing project, create a folder called data and put the contents of this .rar file there. These are fonts and an image used in the Application.
5. Make sure you enable USB Debugging in your Android device.
6. Finally you can use this image files in the root of the project folder (not in data, the one before), so when the application gets installed in the device
So lets get down to business. Copy this code into Processing and hit Run. If you did everything as you should, you will have a working application that communicates with the Arduino in no-time!
Second code snippet is for the Bluetooth Gauge version.
Good luck.
1. The applications however are programmed using Android Processing v2. That means you have to have the Android SDK installed, Android Processing
I am not going though how you are going to use Processing in Android Mode, since there is a lot of info on the web.
2. You will need is the Ketai Bluetotth Library, in order to use it to connect to the HC-05.
3. Make sure you select the following Sketch Permissions in Processing:
4. In the Project folder of your Processing project, create a folder called data and put the contents of this .rar file there. These are fonts and an image used in the Application.
5. Make sure you enable USB Debugging in your Android device.
6. Finally you can use this image files in the root of the project folder (not in data, the one before), so when the application gets installed in the device
So lets get down to business. Copy this code into Processing and hit Run. If you did everything as you should, you will have a working application that communicates with the Arduino in no-time!
Second code snippet is for the Bluetooth Gauge version.
Good luck.
Code snippet 1
//**************************************************************************************** // // BT FUEL MANAGER by MaleBuffy // Works with the BT Fuel Manager Arduino sketch and Flow Sensor // //**************************************************************************************** // Import Libs import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Bundle; // Import Libs for GPS import android.location.Location; import android.location.LocationListener; import android.location.LocationManager; // Import Libs for BT import ketai.net.bluetooth.*; import ketai.ui.*; import ketai.net.*; // Declare Variables for Bluetooth PFont fontMy; boolean bReleased = true; //no permament sending when finger is tap boolean isConfiguring = true; String info = ""; KetaiList klist; KetaiBluetooth bt; ArrayList devicesDiscovered = new ArrayList(); // Set up the variables for the LocationManager and LocationListener LocationManager locationManager; MyLocationListener locationListener; // Variables float speed = 0; float speedinknots = 0; PImage FuelIcon; int dataDisplay = 0; float inputfromarduino = 0 ; int gpsfound = 0; int screen = 0; int divider = displayHeight/13; // Android fonts PFont androidFont; PFont BarFond; PFont androidFontData; //******************************************************************** // The following code is required to enable bluetooth at startup. //******************************************************************** void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); bt = new KetaiBluetooth(this); } void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { bt.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); } // // Setup code - Run once // void setup () { noLoop(); // Define fonts orientation(PORTRAIT); androidFont = createFont("arialbd.ttf",46,true); BarFond = createFont ("arial.ttf",46,true); androidFontData = createFont("arial.ttf",46,true); //************************* BT Code *************************** //start listening for BT connections bt.start(); //at app start select device… isConfiguring = true; textFont(androidFontData); //************************************************************* // Set Background and Alignment size (displayWidth, displayHeight); textSize(displayWidth/15); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); fill(0); //load Fuel Manager Icon FuelIcon = loadImage ("icon-72.png"); } void draw() { // Define in how many Lines the screen will be divided // ******************** at app start select Bluetooth device ******************* if (isConfiguring) { ArrayList names; //background(78, 93, 75); klist = new KetaiList(this, bt.getPairedDeviceNames()); isConfiguring = false; } else { if((mousePressed) && (bReleased == true)) { bReleased = false; } if(mousePressed == false) { bReleased = true; //finger is up } } // ***************************************************************************** //Print Layout if screen = 0 if (screen == 0 ) { mainlayout(); } if (screen == 1 ) { setuplayout(); } } // End of Draw // ******************************* KEY HANDLING ********************************* void keyPressed() { if (key == CODED) { if (keyCode == MENU) { screen = screen + 1; if (screen == 2) { screen = 0; } } else if (keyCode == android.view.KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK) { keyCode = 0; // don't quit by default } } } // ************************* Code For GPS ****************************** void onResume() { super.onResume(); locationListener = new MyLocationListener(); locationManager = (LocationManager)getActivity().getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE); // Register the listener with the Location Manager to receive location updates locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 0, 0, locationListener); } void onPause() { super.onPause(); } // Class for capturing the GPS data class MyLocationListener implements LocationListener { // Define all LocationListener methods void onLocationChanged(Location location) { // Save new GPS data speed = (float)location.getSpeed()*2.2369; speedinknots = speed * 0.8689; redraw(); } public void onProviderDisabled(String provider) { gpsfound = 1; } void onProviderEnabled (String provider) { gpsfound = 0; } void onStatusChanged (String provider, int status, Bundle extras) { // Nothing yet... } } // ******************** GPS Code End **************************** // ******************************* Bluetooth Code Start ******************************* void onKetaiListSelection(KetaiList klist) { String selection = klist.getSelection(); bt.connectToDeviceByName(selection); //dispose of list for now klist = null; } //Call back method to manage data received void onBluetoothDataEvent(String who, byte[] data) { if (isConfiguring) return; info = new String(data); if (info.length() >2 ) { redraw(); } } // ******************************* MAIN LAYOUT ********************* void mainlayout() { int divider = displayHeight/13; background(255,255,255); fill(0); // Create Black Bar rect(0,0,displayWidth,divider); image(FuelIcon, divider*10/100,divider*10/100,divider*0.8,divider*0.8); fill(255); textFont(BarFond,divider*0.6); text("BT Fuel Manager",(displayWidth/2),divider/2); // Speed in MPH fill(255); stroke(0); rect(0,divider*2,displayWidth,divider); fill(0); stroke(255); fill(255); stroke(0); rect(0,divider*3,displayWidth,divider); fill(0); stroke(255); textFont(androidFontData,divider*0.8/2); text("Speed in mph: ",displayWidth/2,(divider*2)+(divider/2)); textFont(androidFont,divider); dataDisplay = int(speed); text(dataDisplay,displayWidth/2,(divider*3)+(divider/2)); // Speed in Knots fill(255); stroke(0); rect(0,divider*4,displayWidth,divider); fill(0); stroke(255); fill(255); stroke(0); rect(0,divider*5,displayWidth,divider); fill(0); stroke(255); textFont(androidFontData,divider*0.8/2); text("Speed in knots: ",displayWidth/2,(divider*4)+(divider/2)); textFont(androidFont,divider); dataDisplay = int(speedinknots); text(dataDisplay,displayWidth/2,(divider*5)+(divider/2)); // Convert string to float inputfromarduino = float(info); String newstring = String.format("%.4f", inputfromarduino); float ifa = float(newstring); // Liters/Sec fill(255); stroke(0); rect(0,divider*6,displayWidth,divider); fill(0); stroke(255); fill(255); stroke(0); rect(0,divider*7,displayWidth,divider); fill(0); stroke(255); textFont(androidFontData,divider*0.8 /2); text("liters/sec: ",displayWidth/2,(divider*6)+(divider/2)); textFont(androidFont,divider); if (info != "") { text(inputfromarduino,displayWidth/2,(divider*7)+(divider/2)); } else { text("-",displayWidth/2,(divider*7)+(divider/2)); } // Liters/Hour fill(255); stroke(0); rect(0,divider*8,displayWidth,divider); fill(0); stroke(255); fill(255); stroke(0); rect(0,divider*9,displayWidth,divider); fill(0); stroke(255); textFont(androidFontData,divider*0.8 /2); text("liters/Hour: ",displayWidth/2,(divider*8)+(divider/2)); textFont(androidFont,divider); dataDisplay = int(inputfromarduino*3600); if (info != "") { text(round(dataDisplay),displayWidth/2,(divider*9)+(divider/2)); } else { text("-",displayWidth/2,(divider*9)+(divider/2)); } // Liters/nm fill(255); stroke(0); rect(0,divider*10,displayWidth,divider); fill(0); stroke(255); fill(255); stroke(0); rect(0,divider*11,displayWidth,divider); fill(0); stroke(255); textFont(androidFontData,divider*0.8 /2); text("liters/nm: ",displayWidth/2,(divider*10)+(divider/2)); textFont(androidFont,divider); float literspernm = dataDisplay/speedinknots; // If Speed is zero then print dash instead of value if (round(speed) != 0) { text(nf(literspernm,1,1),displayWidth/2,(divider*11)+(divider/2)); } else { //text("-",displayWidth/2,(divider*11)+(divider/2)); text("0",displayWidth/2,(divider*11)+(divider/2)); } if (gpsfound != 0) { fill(255,0,0); textFont(androidFontData,divider*0.8 /2); text("Please enable GPS",displayWidth/2,(divider*12)+(divider/2)); } } // End of mainlayout // ********************************** SETUP LAYTOUT ************************************************** void setuplayout() { int divider = displayHeight/13; background(0); fill(255); text("SETUP",displayWidth/2,divider); redraw(); }
Code snippet 2 - BT Fuel Gauge
//**************************************************************************************** // // BT FUEL Gauge by MaleBuffy // Works with the BT Fuel Manager Arduino sketch and Flow Sensor // //**************************************************************************************** // draws a radial line in a circle // according to the mouse, X-value // Import Libs import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Bundle; // Import Libs for GPS import android.location.Location; import android.location.LocationListener; import android.location.LocationManager; // Import Libs for BT import ketai.net.bluetooth.*; import ketai.ui.*; import ketai.net.*; // Declare Variables for Bluetooth PFont fontMy; boolean bReleased = true; //no permament sending when finger is tap boolean isConfiguring = true; String info = "0"; int flagdisplay = 1; KetaiList klist; KetaiBluetooth bt; ArrayList devicesDiscovered = new ArrayList(); // Set up the variables for the LocationManager and LocationListener LocationManager locationManager; MyLocationListener locationListener; // Variables to hold the current GPS data float speed = 0; float inputfromarduino = 0 ; int gpsfound = 0; float boomX; float boomY; float boomX2; float boomY2; float boomX3; float boomY3; float boomY4; float boomX4; float boomX5; float boomY5; // Variables for Gauge int boom = 0; int mph= 0; int knots= 0; float mphgps= 0; float knotsgps= 0; PFont androidFontData; int loopflag=0; float phi = 2.354 ; // 100 mph value = 7.063 //. Step per mile = 0.047 //******************************************************************** // The following code is required to enable bluetooth at startup. //******************************************************************** void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); bt = new KetaiBluetooth(this); } void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { bt.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); } void setup() { //************************* BT Code *************************** //start listening for BT connections bt.start(); //at app start select device… isConfiguring = true; //************************************************************* size (displayWidth, displayHeight); boom=round(displayWidth/2.5); androidFontData = createFont("arial.ttf",46,true); // noLoop(); textAlign (CENTER, CENTER); orientation(PORTRAIT); } void draw() { int divider = displayHeight/13; background (0); stroke (255); strokeWeight (5); fill (255); loopflag = 10; mph = -10; // ******************** at app start select Bluetooth device ******************* if (isConfiguring) { ArrayList names; klist = new KetaiList(this, bt.getPairedDeviceNames()); isConfiguring = false; } else { if((mousePressed) && (bReleased == true)) { bReleased = false; } if(mousePressed == false) { bReleased = true; //finger is up } } // ***************************************************************************** textSize(displayWidth/15); text("mph",displayWidth/2,displayHeight/2.5); textSize(displayWidth/30); text("knots",displayWidth/2,displayHeight/2.3); mphgps = speed * 60 * 60 /1000 * 0.621 ; knotsgps = mphgps * 0.854; displayInfo(); for (float i=2.354; i<7.064; i=i+0.04709) { strokeWeight (2); boomX = boom*cos(i); boomY = boom*sin(i); boomX2= (boom-10) * cos(i); boomY2= (boom-10) * sin(i); line(width / 2+boomX2, height / 2+boomY2, width / 2 + boomX, height / 2 + boomY); if (loopflag == 10) { boomX3= (boom-20) * cos(i); boomY3= (boom-20) * sin(i); line(width / 2+boomX3, height / 2+boomY3, width / 2 + boomX, height / 2 + boomY); loopflag = 0; textSize(40); mph = mph + 10; boomX4= (boom+30) * cos(i); boomY4= (boom+30) * sin(i); text(mph,width / 2+boomX4, height / 2+boomY4); textSize(20); knots = round( mph * 0.854); boomX5= (boom -40) * cos(i); boomY5= (boom-40) * sin(i); text(knots,width / 2+boomX5, height / 2+boomY5); } loopflag=loopflag+1; strokeWeight (5); } boomX = boom*cos(phi); boomY = boom*sin(phi); line(width / 2, height / 2, width / 2 + boomX, height / 2 + boomY); if (gpsfound != 0) { fill(255,0,0); textFont(androidFontData,divider*0.8 /2); text("Please enable GPS",displayWidth/2,(divider*12)+(divider/2)); } } /* void mousePressed() { if (phi < 7.063) { phi = phi + .0277; redraw(); } } */ // Override the activity class methods void onResume() { super.onResume(); locationListener = new MyLocationListener(); locationManager = (LocationManager)getActivity().getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE); // Register the listener with the Location Manager to receive location updates locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 0, 0, locationListener); } void onPause() { super.onPause(); } /*****************************************************************/ // Class for capturing the GPS data class MyLocationListener implements LocationListener { // Define all LocationListener methods void onLocationChanged(Location location) { // Save new GPS data speed = (float)location.getSpeed(); phi = 2.354 + (mphgps*0.04709); // redraw(); } void onProviderDisabled (String provider) { gpsfound = 0; } void onProviderEnabled (String provider) { gpsfound = 1; } void onStatusChanged (String provider, int status, Bundle extras) { // Nothing yet... } } // ******************************* Bluetooth Code Start ******************************* void onKetaiListSelection(KetaiList klist) { String selection = klist.getSelection(); bt.connectToDeviceByName(selection); //dispose of list for now klist = null; } //Call back method to manage data received void onBluetoothDataEvent(String who, byte[] data) { if (isConfiguring) return; info = new String(data); if (info.length() >2 ) { redraw(); } } void displayInfo () { textSize(displayWidth/15); inputfromarduino = float(info); if (flagdisplay == 1) { text(inputfromarduino+"l/sec",displayWidth/2,(displayHeight/2)+boom*0.8); } if (flagdisplay == 2) { text(int(inputfromarduino*3600)+" l/hour",displayWidth/2,(displayHeight/2)+boom*0.8); } if (flagdisplay == 3) { text((int(inputfromarduino*3600)/knotsgps)+" l/nm",displayWidth/2,(displayHeight/2)+boom*0.8); } } void mousePressed () { flagdisplay = flagdisplay +1; if (flagdisplay == 4) { flagdisplay = 1; } }
Installing it on the boat!
I managed to install it on the boat today! I haven't finished with hiding the cables because I have to do some other things as well.
What I managed to do is take some pictures of where the flow meter is installed. I removed the Both switch.
The negative (brown) cable is connected to ground. In this setup I am connecting it to the negative of one battery.
Firstly I connected the positive wire (blue cable) to the COM port of the BOTH Switch (1,2,Both Battery switch) so that it always runs when there is current flowing to the engine.
The sensor must be installed according to the flow that is usually writen on the sensor. Most sensors support only one direction.
The sensor must be installed according to the flow that is usually writen on the sensor. Most sensors support only one direction.
Take notice of the angles the flow sensor supports and install accordingly.
Here is another pictures of where the device is. I will eventually mount it somewhere else, you can find the correct place for your setup.
When I will have some spare time again, I will show you the tidying up I am hopefully going to do.
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